Bruce Dawson (currently at Google on the Chrome team; formerly at Valve, Microsoft, and others) has blogged another example of Windows 10 performance regressions – this time in CreateProcess. He was assigned to investigate why Windows 7 out-performed Windows 10 in a set of Chromium unit tests by about 5x. Profiling execution showed that 98.4% of CPU time was spent in the MiCopyToCfgBitMap function of ntoskrnl, which is logic that is related to the security feature, Control Flow Guard. The result is that creating processes in big executables suffers from a quadratic slowdown.
To be clear, this sort of issue happens frequently. When performance scales non-linearly (in a bad way) to the size of your data set, its cost is sometimes masked in the background noise during your expected workload. If it turns out that conditions can exist that stress it, then it’s not a gradual process – it becomes a wall. It will be interesting to see when (and if) Microsoft gets around to patching it, however.
Oh brother the security
Oh brother the security sandbox is slowing things down in Windows 10 and the cure is worse than the illness.
I’ll bet that Windows 10 and all that UWP tacked on while needing to provide for all the classes/APIs for running the older “win32” application ecosystem is such a tangled web of object classes and hierarchies that performance will always suffer relative to the more lightweight Windows 7/API ecosystem. And windows 10 with so much telemetry services also thrown into the mix along with all of that TIFKAM(UWP) nonsense really can never hope to be a better performer.
Windows 10 and that new M$ business model with all that TIFKAM/Tiles maintained under its current UWP renaming is just another windows 8 redux for the most part with the state of Windows 10’s polish worse than that of Vista and a continous and rapid update cadence that will leave nothing performance wise able to be solvable until M$ is forced to step back before too much more damage is done.
The lucky folks with Enterprice/Volume licensing from M$ under windows 7 will still be able to stay with windows 7 until 2023 via that XP like extended windows 7 security updates purchase plan that M$ was forced to offer that makes windows 7 the new XP. And it’s only that 7 was an improvment over XP in more areas than 10 can ever hope to be an improvment over Windows 7.
So M$ has 3 more years of BETA testing under Windows 10 with the consumer OS clients being the involuntary BETA testers while the Enterprise/Volume licensing customers get more options and more stability. It’s not hard to see that many enterprise/volume licensing customers will definitely be purchasing that extended Windows 7 until 2023 security patching as more than likely their mission critical business software is likewise having issues under Windows 10 and that eternally moving target and that load of extra API/Subsystems weight that is exemplified by that “quadratic slowdown” under that tangled mess of plumbing that is Windows 10.
Windows 10, and 8 before, is really mared by M$’s failure to properly catch on to and monetize the Phone Hardware and its consumption based App ecosystem market! And M$ is continuing to take that abject failure out on its desktop OS/ecosystem customers under that running train wreck that is windows 10. It’s worse under windows 10 because of the loss of end user control over their own PC/Laptop hardware that’s being forced to become a Phone/App consumption based ecosystem as opposed to the productivity based ecosyetem that windows 7 is currently and always will be.
2020 is coming!
On the upside, Win10 boots
On the upside, Win10 boots insanely fast compared to Win7 (or so i heard).
Which is important, because people need to reboot their Win10 a couple dozen times a day, i guess…
Yeah, I shut down my Win10
Yeah, I shut down my Win10 only over weekends just to save power. Win10 tablet reboots only when needed (updates).
BTW my Android 8 phone needs more frequent reboots!
Are you sure that it’s as
Are you sure that it’s as much because of Windows 10 rather that it’s maybe as much because that most windows 10 PCs/Laptops are coming with NVM/SSD C/System drives instead of the older windows 7 hardware that mostly came with spinning rust.
It appears that most of the unwashed maases are fairly unfamiliar with the Scientific Method and the process of eliminating any unseen variables like NVM/SSD storage as opposed to spinning rust in the overaall sample populations of Newer PC/Laptop Hardware that comes with the latest storage technology and Windows 10 bundled with that hardware and the Older PC/Laptop hardware that came with mostly SATA/Spinning Rust and Windows 7. And that is most definitely a factor as far as boot times are concerned.
But I do get Your /s but really the scary part is that Windows 10 is going full on Phone OS after 2020 because M$ really missed the milking boat on that mad dash to the mysterious Smartphone continent where productivity is not needed as much as it’s about milking for dollars with that crap App Store ecosystem and revenue model.
The really scary part is that Apple is now past peak Smartphone and beginning the process of pushing more of that iOS crap onto MacOS in a similar manner to M$’s Smartphone aspirations that was never anything but a viking funeral as far as smartphones and their App ecosystem are concerned.
Both Apple and M$ are all the more services related with devices becoming more and more Portable Point Of Sale terminals.
It’s appears that to remain productive that more users will be forced over to a Full Linux Based OS Distro and have to learn to get buy with less hand holding in order to have PC/Laptop hardware that’s unencumbered by any App/App Store ecosystem OS/API cruft!