It has been a while since the Hardware Leaderboard has been updated as it is incredibly depressing to try to price out a new GPU, for obvious reasons.  TechSpot have taken an interesting approach to dealing with the crypto-blues, they have just benchmarked 44 older GPUs on current games to see how well they fare.  The cards range from the GTX 560 and HD7770 through to current model cards which are available to purchase used from sites such as eBay.  Buying a used card brings the price down to somewhat reasonable levels, though you do run the risk of getting a dead or dying card.  With interesting metrics such as price per frame, this is a great resource if you find yourself in desperate need of a GPU in the current market.  Check it out here.

"Along with our recent editorials on why it's a bad time to build a gaming PC, we've been revisiting some older GPUs to see how they hold up in today's games. But how do you know how much you should be paying for a secondhand graphics card?"

Here are some more Graphics Card articles from around the web:

Graphics Cards