Perhaps it is best not to ask how this came about, but you can order the Ryzen 5 1600 and 1400 from eBay. The seller has an impressive reputation and as Kyle over at [H]ard|OCP has already ordered and received some, this should be a fairly safe opportunity to take advantage of. The full review has not yet been published but that did not stop them from putting together a quick overclocking video. If you have 20 minutes to spare and an interest in AMD's new processors you should take a look.
"Much to our surprise, AMD Ryzen 5 CPUs started showing up online for sale last week in North America, so we did what any PC hardware review site would do. We went out and bought four of those and started working on seeing just how much overclocking headroom each of these new CPUs have."
Here are some more Processor articles from around the web:
- The AMD Ryzen 5 1600X Processor First Look @ TechARP
- The AMD Ryzen 5 1500X CPU First Look @ TechARP
- AMD RYZEN 7 Trifecta @ Bjorn3d
- Core i7-7700K @ Hardware Secrets
The next AMD Generic
The next AMD Generic Encapsulated Software Architecture (AGESA) updates are supposed to be targeting memory overclocking DDR4. Looks like the same wall for ryzen 5 at above 4.1. But who knows once the fab tweaks take hold over the usual months. Tweaks and Benching followed by more tweaks and rebenching with the AGESA updates, and wash rinse repeat. AMD’s folks are some Busy Bees lately, and Vega is incoming. Those 500 series rebrands will need to be tseted also, so at least the Vega waiting won’t get boring. And Ryzen 3 and also the Raven Ridge APUs(That’s what I’m waiting for).
From AMD Ryzen™ Community Update #2:
“We will continue to update you on future AGESA releases when they’re complete, and we’re already working hard to bring you a May release that focuses on overclocked DDR4 memory.” (1)
AMD Ryzen™ Community Update #2:
A culture that runs over
A culture that runs over children in the street and then drives off while 20 onlookers go about their day is not going to respect your intellectual property rights is there’s a quick buck to be made. You got that cheap labor tho AMD.
Was this CPU diffused in
Was this CPU diffused in China or just packaged there. And I do hope that Tesla gets more ROBOTS in their American Plants. No one wants all the discrimination lawsuits that come with employing Americans. Let’s relocate Joe Six-pack back to the rural areas as his labor in not needed.
I’d much rather have my CPUs assembled in China by Foxconn ROBOTS and Diffused somewhere in the EU(By ROBOTS) and my Car/Laptop/shoes/other goods made by ROBOTS. 乔(Qiáo) Six-pack can go back to the rural areas also as his labor is not needed in China also.
Robots do not wander the streets after a sporting event drunk and spoiling for a fight! So let’s get the ROBOTS to disassemble the arenas and reassemble them way out in the sticks to keep the riff raff out of the cities and towns.
ROBOTS are the best way of teaching the Joe Six-packs of the world that bad behavior should not be rewarded! So Go back to the sticks you Joe Six-Pack hicks and get to that subsistence living.
P.S. Though it would be better from a cost standpoint to use those Foxconn ROBOTS in US/other located factrories as with ROBOT labor the cost of shipping becomes more expensive than the cost of labor(ROBOTS get no pay). So shipping cost will make up a large relative percentage of the product’s over all cost to make and plant’s located closer to where the products are conumed make sense, fo the real productive people(NON Joe Six-pack) in the cities and towns. But Locating the factories in the US does not mean employing US workers, as that woud just be rewarding bad behavior. Let’s automate, automate, automate the Jihadist Joe Six-Packs(of coffee) back to the sticks also.
The whole world is under threat form the Joe Six-Packs, so get to engineering those Anti-Joe ROBOTS all ye true nerds! ROBOTS Rule!
IIRC all FinFET’s from GloFo
IIRC all FinFET’s from GloFo atm are all diffused in New York, thats the only fab they have set up for producing FinFET wafers
Well they better be using
Well they better be using ROBOTS!
Them damn ROBOTS always speaking that binary, I’ll bet they’re talking bad about us right now!
Transformers! They got all your jobs.
Ah Ha Ha HA! Ha Ha Ha Ha HAW! Ha HA HA HAW! Ah Ha…
Big whoop. My local Canada
Big whoop. My local Canada computers was displaying them on Sunday. A few etailers in canada mistakenly put them up last week on their site.
Aren’t they coming out today?
Aren’t they coming out today? So why bother with eBay?
It’s how you build hype and
It’s how you build hype and meta prior to launch while still under NDA. It also signals it’s not a paper launch.
Have had my R5 1600 for 3
Have had my R5 1600 for 3 days now. Nice chip. OC’ed to 3.8 ghz w/o increasing voltage. Got it from pcmall for $4 over msrp.
I can tell a difference from my i5 4590, gaming with stuff in the background and no performance drops at all. Don’t have much in the way of benchmarks though i just ripped Rogue One Bluray and it seemed to cut the time between a third or a half – not scientific at all =P
I make sex robot with r5 yes
I make sex robot with r5 yes ?
“Single threaded workloads,
“Single threaded workloads, when used in a vacuum, will still run better on Intel hardware. Audio encoding, user interface interactivity and many other working environments fall into this category so it is not something we should simply overlook.”
user interface interactivity? please elaborate, I am trying to scratch my head at what that could entail
many other working environments? what does that mean? other applications that run better on intel? please mention them rather just create creating narrative.
“Gaming is still a pain point for AMD as they work through the initial Ryzen launch.”
here is what i see from your testing, most games are pretty close with most wins going to intel. then you have outliers on both sides with a 29.68 advantage on Civ 6 for AMD. you also test out Tomb Raider DX12 which has terrible driver overhead for Nvidia that it cannot be relied on, why not test DX11 ?
1600x 5.74% faster than 7600k
1500x 8.89% faster than 7500
Civ 6 graphics
1600x 1.22% slower than 7600k
1500x 29.68% faster than 7500
Civ 6 AI
1600x 14.16% faster than 7600k
1500x 8.45 slower than 7500
Deus X
1600x 0.92% slower than 7600k
1500x tied with 7500
Far Cry
1600x 21.20% slower than 7600k
1500x 1.25% slower than 7500
1600x 17.20% slower than 7600k
1500x 19.13% slower than 7500
1600x 3.52% faster than 7600k
1500x 4.20% faster than 7500
1600x 30.16% slower than 7600k
1500x 55.68% slower than 7500
1600x 6.75% slower than 7600k
1500x 4.37% slower than 7500
you give praise to AMD and offer no award despite that this is a way better value than the R7 SKUs. this review just wants to paint a picture that there are AMD problems, despite the results only showing outliers.
I liked coming here a few years ago and think your findings specially regarding frame rating were a positive force. this is not the site it once was.
I really hope the rumors are false and this site hasn’t been paid for by Intel.
“user interface
"user interface interactivity?" – interacting with Windows. UI's are typically a single thread of a given app, even if the app itself is multithreaded. Not all tasks can be scaled efficiently with multiple threads.