This particular RAM kit is not branded SLI or EMS or Intel or any of the other theoretically targeted kits we have seen in the past, these ones are marked for use with AMD and overclockers as they use the familiar Black Edition phrase in their name.  They are Patriot’s G Series AMD Black Edition DDR3-1333 4GB @ 9-9-9-24 and Think Computer wanted a way to test them that would show off their abilities with an AMD system.  To that end they added the AMD OverDrive Benchmark to the usual list of tests and the DIMMs performed well enough for ThinkComputers to forgive the minor packaging error they spotted.

"We’ve all seen different branded kits of memory, from memory that has the strangest heatsink design to SLI-ready memory. But what a lot of people haven’t really encountered before is AMD Ready memory. Today we’ll be looking at one of the few AMD Black Edition Ready Memory Kits, which work great with an AMD based system. Read on further to find out what unique AMD only software we used to help us along with the review.”

Here are some more Memory articles from around the web:
