Comments on: NVIDIA Acquires Mellanox: Beyond the Numbers A Leader in PC Hardware Reviews and News Sat, 27 Apr 2019 21:09:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: IFisHyperTransportsSuperset Wed, 13 Mar 2019 22:39:31 +0000 AMD’s Infinity Fabric is just
AMD’s Infinity Fabric is just a superset of HyperTransport and that freedom Fabric appears to be some I/O related fabric virtualization related IP for dense/low power servers. Who knows where AMD may be maing use of any Freedom Fabric IP as the SeaMicro/SeaMicro Based branding is not used since AMD’s SeaMicro division was shuttered.

“Infinity Fabric[edit]

Infinity Fabric is a superset of HyperTransport announced by AMD in 2016 as an interconnect for its GPUs and CPUs. It is also usable as interchip Interconnect for communication between CPUs and GPUs.[6][7] The company said the Infinity Fabric would scale from 30 GB/s to 512 GB/s, and be used in the Zen-based CPUs and Vega GPUs which were subsequently released in 2017. (1)


