The end to the 24-hour, week-long speedrun stream occurred on Sunday morning. Donations are still trickling in, but the current total (when this news was published) is $1.213 million USD. This is almost exactly how much Summer Games Done Quick 2015 raised last July, which raised $1.216 million USD for Doctors Without Borders, but a little shy of last AGDQ's $1.576 million USD.
You may now resume your regularly scheduled Netflix and PC Perspective podcasts…
… actually, not quite. Sure, watch our content, but before you watch old Fast & Furious movies (don't judge me) there is a recording that you may want to check out. Very early on Friday the 8th, Graviton did a 100% speedrun of Blast Corps for the AGDQ event. You may have missed it, but this run was also an interview with Martin Wakeley, lead designer of Blast Corps (and Jet Force Gemini). He spent about an hour and three quarters recounting his time at Rare. One interesting story was about a Pacman-style bonus level that had to be modified due to a Namco patent, as Graviton was running it.
If you enjoy listening to developer interviews, this is a good one.
What da hell man! How do you
What da hell man! How do you mess up on your very first line?
> Then end to the 24-hour, week-long speedrun stream occurred on Sunday morning. <
A rogue ‘n’ key. Fixed. :p
A rogue 'n' key. Fixed. :p