As we've been saying for several months now, Windows 10 is coming in a handful of days. Naturally, Microsoft is trickling out information and marketing material leading up to it. Some of the interesting ones we can talk about. I'd normally consider a one-minute TV spot as “not very interesting”, and it probably isn't for our audience, but there was one thing that I wanted to say about it.
The ad looks through an international cast of children, and of course an adorable puppy, describing how their technology life will evolve with Windows 10. The premise is that the OS will empower everything that they do, and grow with them because of automatic updates. Of course, young children and a puppy does a lot to sell a consumer product in itself. The video currently has over 200,000 views on YouTube with an almost 20:1 like-to-dislike ratio.
But the part that interested me was the quote “for them, every screen is meant to be touched”.
In a direct way, yes. Once you provide someone with a touch screen, especially a young child, they instantly want to touch every screen in their life. This has actually led to schools refusing to install touch-based all-in-one PCs because they were worried about kids ruining the non-touch monitors.
It is odd that Microsoft would focus on “touch” in the ad, though. This leads me to the point that I want to bring up. Nowhere in the ad is “familiar” or similar verbiage used. Each example is touch, stylus, or voice. You would think that Microsoft wants to draw in the audience who avoided Windows 8.x, and yet the tone sounds identical to what they've been saying for years.
It's just a TV spot, but it sounds a bit out of tune with the last year.
Interesting claim by
Interesting claim by Microsoft. Where does it say that they will be thrown the BSOD when they ask is my life so hard?
Just saying.
Poor kid at the end. He is
Poor kid at the end. He is being sucked in by Windows 10 and it wont let go of his face.
All I get from this ad is,
All I get from this ad is, Hey look at our kiddie operating system.
So Win 10 is not to be taken seriously at all, It’s child’s play!
Hand over all your infomation
Hand over all your infomation to as kiddies. We will look after you.
Windows dataminer 10.
Its funny the same people
Its funny the same people blasting MS.
are the same ones with a mouth full of google. LOL
No idea what that’s supposed
No idea what that’s supposed to mean.
These kids are growing into a
These kids are growing into a world where more Android devices were sold in the past 12 months than the entire install-base of Windows, and they are infinitely more likely to touch an Ios device than anything touch-enabled running Microsoft’s latest.
Microsoft doesn’t need to
Microsoft doesn’t need to pander to the people that know because the people that know probably already have Windows 10 on at least one machine that they are testing.
The majority of users will continue to get their operating systems via the new computers that they buy.
Of course after you agree to
Of course after you agree to the EULA that kid becomes M$ property, and is in for a lifetime of quantification and metrics gathering, all sold to any and all with the cash. You will take our non security “Updates” and you will like it you brats!
Please Sir M$, May I have another bowl of “FREE” gruel, NO! You’ll have to purchase it from the M$ store!
Its ironic that you criticize
Its ironic that you criticize the store which apple and google have been using for years.
BTW you post a universal app on any website and your users can download it that way. No one is forcing anyone to use the store. It is just a delivery model.
M$ needs to keep their grubby
M$ needs to keep their grubby hands off of the independent OEM PC/Laptop market, and Apple can be avoided. If M$ wants to be like Apple and brand their own PC/laptop hardware then they are welcome to do it closed ecosystem style like Apple, and I can avoid them like I avoid Apple. Third party PC/Laptop OEM products need to be required to have OS choice, as well as the choice to block non security OS updates if the user so chooses. M$ should be legally restricted from any attempts at forcing a closed OS/Software ecosystem on any third party PC/Laptop hardware. There are laws on the books to prevent a monopoly interest(M$ and its windows OS) from forcing a vertical market control over the independent third party laptop/PC OEM market. The very same laws that subjected the Standard OIL Trust to a breakup. M$ needs to back off with the takeover of third the party laptop/PC software ecosystem by a system of forced updates, and forced OS bundling on new PC/laptop hardware. Windows 10 needs to offer a for pay/purchased version, no forced updates, and a windows 7 style optional updates, and optional forced cloud integration for third party PC/Laptop OEM hardware. Apple does not force its OS on third party Laptop/PC OEM hardware.
So the forced non security updates, and the forced tiles, and the forced phone(Universal, TIFKAM apps by another name) apps and forced apps runtime integration into the 8/10 OS, and the always on forced cloud integration.
I just want the OS as a tool for me to run my computer, not to turn me into a tool for M$’s profits. I do not own any chromebooks either, so it’s windows 7 until 2020, and a TuxBird OS distro afterwards.
Those damn tiles are still there, along with more of the runtime, and baked-in spyware. Windows 10 is 8 with the curtains drawn! M$: [in a Cortina voice], pay no attention to the man behind the curtain in control of your independently produced PC/Laptop hardware, or the forced updates installing apps that are watching your every move and gathering all your metrics. Make no attempts to turn off any of these intrusions least you be in violation of the EULA, and what you do manage to momentarily turn off our forced non security updates can turn back on.
This just goes to show you
This just goes to show you that Microsoft does view their OS as a tool or a platform for you to get work/fun done.
They view it as a cudgel to force you to use your electronic devices how Microsoft sees fit, keep you in their ecosystem, pressure you into using/buying additional Microsoft products, and punish you if you try to leave it.
This is quite a departure from the early days when Microsoft focused on making actual useful products that you wouldn’t possibly consider not using. Back then you had a choice and Microsoft’s only solution was to deliver. Now it’s all “our way or the highway.”
Thank God for Linux, MacOSX, iOS, Android and Chrome. Maybe they’ll continue to beat Microsoft up in market share and the brains at MS will finally get the message or die fighting all the way to oblivion.
Funny you should mention OSX
Funny you should mention OSX and IOS; Apple works even harder than Microsoft to lock you into their ecosystem. Google tires as well but they are perhaps a little less heavy-handed in their methods. Linux is the only OS you mentioned that doesn’t try to control or spy on its users. It’s a shame that Linux’s software and driver support is flaky, as it’s pretty much the only hope we have for the future of computing.
At least Apple’s OSX can be
At least Apple’s OSX can be avoided by just not buying their hardware, M$ wants to use its monopoly horizontal domination of the PC/Laptop OS market to leverage a vertical control over the third party PC/laptop OEMs and the PC/Laptop OS software ecosystem. The very state of being in a monopoly market position is not illegal in and of itself, but all that forcing of the M$ windows OS onto the third party PC/Laptop OEM hardware sure is, and its getting pretty damn close to complete control, if you factor in the forced acceptance of Non-security updates from M$, and in the “Optional” choice given to PC/Laptop OEMs of not including any OFF switch in the UEFI/BIOS to turn off windows Secure Boot for windows 10 OS factory installed devices. And the line to forced vertical integration of the supposedly independent third party PC/Laptop OEMs has been crossed. Will the tamed US Justice Department step up and even try to enforce the antitrust regulations on the books!
This coercive EULA for windows 10, should be legally invalidated, and M$ should be forced to cede the secure boot key signing credentials authority to an independent and impartial third party organization. This is much worse than Apple, and Apple only has its closed ecosystem on its own Branded hardware, Apple is not trying to force its will on the independent PC/Laptop OEM in the marketplace. I buy my PC/Laptops from the OEM and not M$, so what gives M$ the rights over my hardware!
MS has no right over your
MS has no right over your hardware, buy your hardware, wipe the drive, install linux and shut up.
its the shut up part you people seem to not be able to do.
Up yours M$, and the same
Up yours M$, and the same goes for M$ Secure boot[Watch out for new PC/Laptop hardware with the secure boot disable option Removed in Windows 10/Bundled PC/Laptop hardware] and M$’s attempts to control the boot process, that security key signing authority needs to be removed from under M$’s control also, and no more bundled windows on new hardware, no OS deals allowed, the user buys the hardware the user chooses from a optional install media and the OS to install at point of sale.
You only get Apple’s closed ecosystem if you purchase Apples hardware, M$ wants Apple style control over all of the independently produced PC/Laptop hardware. Nuts to you M$!!!!!!
I can’t imagine how terrible
I can’t imagine how terrible it would be to have to deal with Android, OS X, iOS and Linux for my computing needs. They are all either slow, clunky or both.
Thank God for Windows and Windows Phone.
I don’t mind touchscreen as
I don’t mind touchscreen as along as my boogers are the only ones on it.
Another reason touch screens are avoided in schools is that they could spread germs like wildfire.
still people hating on
still people hating on MS
good lord that was cheesy…
good lord that was cheesy…
This kind of marketing
This kind of marketing bullshit is part of societys underlying problem.
“We’ll make technology so hidden and opaque that all you’ll ever be is a consumer talking to the A.I. that replaces you, with no intelluctual struggle or stimulation that would drive you to invent anything new or have an original thought of your own.
Welcome to ‘the cloud’ of bullshit buzzwords and clueless consumers buying Chinese made gadgets they don’t understand and are worse than the ones they replace, while your economy collapses.
Welcome to the future. Regress is the new progress.”