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Roguelite Auto Shooter ‘Geometry Survivor’ Hits PC and Xbox Consoles in Q1

One-handed Maneuvers

Developer Brain Seal Ltd. has announced that its upcoming roguelite survival auto shooter ‘Geometry Survivor’ will launch on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox consoles, and PC via Steam in Q1 of 2024.

Geometry Survivor is an action-packed rogue-lite auto shooter where players aim to survive for 20 intense minutes, battling waves of geometric enemy ships in a grid-based world. The game features one-hand gameplay, automatic weapon firing, diverse weapon combinations per run, credit-based permanent upgrades, a variety of enemy types with distinct AI, retro 80s-style visuals, and music, promising a thrilling and engaging experience.


  • One-hand gameplay: Use just one hand to control the direction of your ship.
  • Auto-Shooter: Your weapons fire automatically, letting you concentrate on staying alive.
  • Weapons: Each run allows you to get a unique combination of weapons.
  • Credits: Earn credits and permanently unlock new upgrades.
  • Enemies: Enjoy the multitude of enemies each with their own AI.
  • 20 minutes of intense gameplay.
  • Retro visuals and music straight from the 80s.
  • Delicious gameplay!

Check out the screenshots below for more details on Geometry Survivor.

Genghis "Solidus Kraken" Husameddin

I like video games, both old and new. Nice 'ta meetcha!

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